Dear CERN, your accelerator is out of date


A team of researchers has developed the first prototype of a miniature particle accelerator, which uses terahertz waves instead of radio frequencies. A single accelerator module is just 1 centimeters in size, and a millimeter thin. Terahertz technology could allow the miniaturization of the entire apparatus: this is the objective of the group led by Franz Kärtner, of the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science. The prototype was presented with an article in the scientific journal Nature. The author hypothesizes numerous fields of application of accelerators… Read more

6 bets for the future


The list of technologies under study is very long and is constantly updated: one of the latest lists of future developments that could change the world forever comes from the Institute of Ethics and Emerging Technologies, a research center founded in 2004 by a philosopher, Nick Bostrom, and a bioethicist, James Huges. The list, drawn up with the consultancy of futurologist Gray Scott, presents really interesting elements: here are the "magnificent" 6 technologies that could arrive in the near future. Age reversal… Read more

Jet Capsule, the "utilitarian" yacht is born

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Studio Lazzarini, an Italian design group, recently presented a “mini yacht” at the annual sector fair in the Principality of Monaco. The Jet Capsule is a vessel 7 and a half meters long and 3 and a half meters wide: its small size and the enormous possibility of customization make it suitable for many applications such as taxi, patrol, ambulance. Lazzarini's "utility yacht" is single or twin-engined and accommodates up to 8 passengers with automatically closing doors, convertible bed, ... Read more

All about the super job of the future

future work

I often jokingly hear friends say that to get (or keep) a job today you need superpowers (the most sexist and boorish ones in the case of pretty colleagues argue the need for other skills). The future is made up of many things, and an important theme is precisely that of human enhancement, the improvement of physical and mental performance that can arise from the use of new technologies or medical procedures: in this article I want to offer you some ideas to reflect on. … Read more

Within 10 years, solar panels in orbit and clean energy on Earth.

solar orbit

Already heard it and does it sound like science fiction to you? According to the results of a 3-year study with 10 nations involved conducted by the International Academy of Astronautics, it could be a reality within 10 years. The biggest disadvantage of today's solar energy is that it doesn't work in the evening or when the sky is cloudy: in space, on the contrary, the Sun is present 24 hours a day, 24 days a week. No storms, no clouds. The obvious solution to the problem, therefore, is to move all PV capacity… Read more

The robotic arm of DARPA ready in 4 years.


When over the last 5 years we reported news on DARPA's robotic arm (if you feel like it, the old site is available), we talked about advanced prototypes: today we can talk, with satisfaction, about clinical tests: it is the future. No later than two weeks ago, American health bodies approved the protocol that will allow volunteers to obtain the implant of a bionic arm: on the front line, once again, soldiers wounded in war. They will be the ones to experiment… Read more