Smart contact lenses are coming

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The future in which we all have a technological implant in our eyes, which will allow us to send messages and take photos, is not that far away. In fact, today we are talking about nothing other than the new Sony patent, which is based on a sensor that is activated by measuring the pressure of the eyelid and which allows you to take photos thanks to intelligent contact lenses. And thanks to the movement of the eye it will also be possible to adjust the lens aperture and zoom. To check the image quality… Read more

Surfing safely: 5 useful tips

VPN security

The Internet is a wonderful place, the potential it offers is particularly broad and the knowledge it gives is almost unlimited. However, this does not prevent the fact that even when browsing the "light" web, i.e. the one that differs from the darknet, the dark face of the web, there are dangers at every corner. Greater accuracy and understanding of what you are doing is certainly the first advice that is usually given. Even if it is often used in a rather limited way, an engine… Read more