We provide news on the future of technology, science and society: if there is one thing that is about to arrive, it has already arrived here.

FuturoProssimo is part of the network ForwardTo, studies and skills for future scenarios.

Future notes

The energy transition will destroy the world economy. Or not?

The energy transition will do much more than destroy the economy and social fabric of the planet, (detailed) data in hand.


Artificial intelligence

Osteoarthritis, AI blood test beats X-rays and predicts it 10 years earlier

By analyzing just 6 proteins in the blood, an AI algorithm predicts years in advance, without symptoms and accurately, who will develop osteoarthritis


I'll take you into the future of “automated” and AI-generated entertainment

A creator has shown the potential of AI to generate entire television episodes with just a few clicks, opening a glimpse into the future of "automated" entertainment

automated entertainment

Medical Research

Hybrid mouse-rat created with neurons from both species in the brain

US researchers have created mice with rat neurons integrated into the olfactory system, opening new perspectives for the study of brain diseases.


Osteoarthritis, AI blood test beats X-rays and predicts it 10 years earlier

By analyzing just 6 proteins in the blood, an AI algorithm predicts years in advance, without symptoms and accurately, who will develop osteoarthritis


Italy Next

Organizations and people who shape the future.