We provide news on the future of technology, science and society: if there is one thing that is about to arrive, it has already arrived here.

FuturoProssimo is part of the network ForwardTo, studies and skills for future scenarios.

Future notes

GPT-4o, OpenAI shock: ChatGPT now has eyes, sees and understands in real time

OpenAI amazes again with GPT-4o, an evolution of ChatGPT that combines vision, audio and text. AI can see what you shoot with the camera and help you instantly.


Artificial intelligence

Spam, the AI ​​tsunami already infests all our message boards. What's now?

I social media sono invasi da post generati dall’IA, spesso spam o truffe. Gli algoritmi li promuovono creando un circolo vizioso. Che va spezzato.

GPT-4o, OpenAI shock: ChatGPT now has eyes, sees and understands in real time

OpenAI amazes again with GPT-4o, an evolution of ChatGPT that combines vision, audio and text. AI can see what you shoot with the camera and help you instantly.

new chatgpt ai camera video

Medical Research

The wasps that turn viruses into weapons will help us turn them into cures

Parasitic wasps have domesticated lethal viruses into biological weapons to defend their larvae. An extraordinary example of coevolution.


Artha changes the lives of the blind with lenses that transform sight into touch

Goodbye stick, Artha lenses are here: they transform the input of a mini camera into tactile sensations on the back. A new view.

artha prototype vision lenses

Italy Next

Organizations and people who shape the future.


Your thoughts beyond life: Goodbyememo delivers the digital goodbye

Goodbyememo challenges the fear of dying and leaving things unsaid. Founded by two Italians, the service sends messages after death, giving serenity to those who fear the afterlife.


MEAPLANT: the Italian invention for growing on walls and roofs

The system created by two Italian researchers triumphs in Geneva. Now growing everywhere, even green walls and roofs, will be easier for everyone.