There is a great little green revolution starting from Italy and which promises to change the face of global agriculture. Is called MEAPLANT and it is an innovative system for low-cost soilless cultivation, created by two independent researchers from Sanremo. Awarded gold and recognition for the best inventions at the latest International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, MEAPLANT makes cultivation easy for everyone, everywhere, without the need for specific skills or large spaces. Possible applications? Many, from the small (bring more vegetable gardens and greenery to the city too) to the large (help in the fight against world hunger). Let's take a look?
Two Italian researchers and a "slap" to soilless agriculture
Behind MEAPLANT are Dr Caterina Allera, biologist, and her husband Dr. Enrico Masella, engineer, both from Sanremo. Dr. Allera worked for some years as a researcher at CREA in Sanremo, dealing with soilless cultivation and agriculture 4.0. At the end of this experience, she joined forces with her husband to create a new system that simplified the problems of existing techniques, such as hydroponics, aeroponics or cultivation in substrate. Techniques we have often talked about, even recently, and who need a good "wake up call" to find the right diffusion. Could the slap be MEAPLANT?
First of all, let's start with the name. From the prefix, to be precise. This MEA (Mission Easy Agriculture), an acronym, but also a reference to Latin. My, my. An autonomous and easy-to-use soilless cultivation system, for each and every one. MEAPLANT allows much higher, quality and sustainable production compared to traditional crops. The great innovation of MEAPLANT lies in its simplicity: no complex controls, specialized personnel or protected environments are necessary. Anyone, even without any experience, can cultivate their own vegetable garden with ease, obtaining superior results compared to traditional cultivations.
How MEAPLANT, a soilless cultivation system, works exactly
MEAPLANT uses a network of special wires instead of earth or other substrates. Droplets of water and mineral salts form on these threads, supplied by an irrigation system. Plant roots can easily absorb water and nutrients directly from these droplets, without accumulation of excess mineral salts. To grow with this system you simply add water and mineral salts to a tank and set a timer for watering. No special controls or skills are necessary, making everything accessible to anyone, wherever they are.
The method offers numerous advantages: water savings of up to 90%, no need for herbicides or pesticides, ease of assembly and disassembly, use of light and recyclable materials, operation even outdoors and possibility of growing different plants together. The idea is inspired by natural phenomena, such as the formation of dew drops on spider webs or the capture of water by cactus thorns. Simple and efficient: a vegetable garden within everyone's reach, even in areas with water scarcity or in large cities.
Cultivate better, cultivate everyone. Everywhere and effortlessly
MEAPLANT paves the way for more accessible and democratic agriculture. With this system, even the elderly will be able to grow quality products effortlessly, enjoying the pleasure of having their own vegetable garden even in small spaces. MEAPLANT allows you to create green walls or roofs, opening up the possibility of bringing greenery even to the most degraded urban areas, with potential positive effects in terms of urban regeneration and the creation of new job opportunities. The biggest dream of the two inventors, however, is that MEAPLANT could become a tool to fight world hunger. Thanks to his simplicity of use, water saving of up to 90% and low cost, this cultivation system could be used by humanitarian organizations to bring agriculture even to the most disadvantaged areas of the planet, helping to improve food security and the quality of life of millions of people.
Caterina Allera and Enrico Masella have paved the way for a future in which agriculture will be more accessible, sustainable and democratic. A future where each of us can grow our own food with ease, while helping to make our cities greener and fight world hunger. A green revolution that starts from Italy and promises to "grow better" global agriculture. Well done, well done, well done!
A well-deserved recognition
The importance of MEAPLANT has been recognized internationally during the last International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva. A jury of 102 specialists awarded the Italian researchers the gold medal with sector commendation and the special prize for the best inventions of the 2024 edition. Furthermore, the president of the French Federation of Inventors (FFI), Gérard Roquillon, awarded the gold medal of the Grand Prix International Eiffel EFI for the invention. A triumph for the two researchers, a great satisfaction also for Italy. This innovation demonstrates once again how our country is a hotbed of ingenuity and creativity, capable of giving concrete answers to the most urgent global challenges. For more information, here is the official website.