We provide news on the future of technology, science and society: if there is one thing that is about to arrive, it has already arrived here.

FuturoProssimo is part of the network ForwardTo, studies and skills for future scenarios.

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Surfing safely: 5 useful tips

Internet è un luogo meraviglioso, le potenzialità che offre sono particolarmente ampie e la conoscenza che dona è pressoché illimitata. Questo tuttavia non impedisce anche che anche navigando nel web “chiaro”, ovvero quello che si discosta dal darknet, il volto oscuro del web, vi siano pericoli ad ogni angolo. Una maggior accuratezza e comprensione di ciò che si sta facendo è sicuramente il primo consiglio che solitamente si dà. Anche se spesso si usa in maniera piuttosto limitata, un motore … Read more

Future notes

NASA aims for the pulsed plasma rocket: to Mars in just 2 months

NASA is developing a revolutionary plasma-powered rocket that could take astronauts to Mars in just 2 months instead of the current 9.


Artificial intelligence

LunaBot: the AI ​​trained with the eyes of a 21-month-old girl

An innovative project uses videos of little Luna to create LunaBot, an AI trained with the same sensory inputs as a little girl, to study learning.

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Mysterious Super Powerful AI Appears and Immediately Disappears: Is this a GPT-5 Test?

An unknown AI called gpt2-chatbot showed abilities superior to GPT-4 and disappeared into thin air. A possible preview of GPT-5?


Medical Research

Breakthrough in gene therapy: girl with congenital deafness regains her hearing

A new gene therapy has allowed Opal, a little girl with congenital deafness due to a genetic mutation, to hear and start speaking.

opal sandy

In Florida, an attempt is being made to give birth to a calf from artificial embryos

Researchers at the University of Florida aim to create a calf from synthetic embryos: only stem cells, without eggs or sperm.

Italy Next

Organizations and people who shape the future.


Your thoughts beyond life: Goodbyememo delivers the digital goodbye

Goodbyememo challenges the fear of dying and leaving things unsaid. Founded by two Italians, the service sends messages after death, giving serenity to those who fear the afterlife.


MEAPLANT: the Italian invention for growing on walls and roofs

The system created by two Italian researchers triumphs in Geneva. Now growing everywhere, even green walls and roofs, will be easier for everyone.