Elon Musk has been working on the Hyperloop project since 2013 (e Futuroprossimo follows with passion): in his debut paper he described the system as "a cross between a Concorde, a rifle and an air hockey board".
For the few who still didn't know
Hyperloop is a conveying system based on a vacuum tube that allows pressurized magnetic leavening booths to pass through it. The speed of travel can reach over 1200 kilometers per hour.
The South African visionary's other company, SpaceX, has opened a contest for the design of the capsules that will make up the system.
INDG and AltSpace showed off the latest design developments that the hyperfast pneumatic train could have at its launch. The VR experience reproduces a real model of the Hyperloop developed by the team at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.
The ultra-modern design of the station, pods and interiors, and the related 3D experience were developed as part of the 2019 Hyperloop Pod Competition and offer a never-seen-before perspective, even better than the previous one.
In fact, at the inauguration of the SpaceX contest, the INDG team had already produced a similar digital experience with an interactive model of exploration of the Hyperloop capsules. The current one focuses more on reproducing the user experience, focusing more on the fittings and internal spaces.
With this spectacular achievement, the design of "Atlas 02", the latest version of the capsule conceived and designed by the team, literally comes to life with photorealistic quality and extraordinary attention to detail.
“We did not work to set new speed records in this contest, but to give everyone a vision of this vehicle in the long-term future. To show, in other words, what traveling with Hyperloop will be like,” says Rieneke van Noort, head of the Dutch team.
The video created alongside the VR experience inspires and allows us to imagine the future of this extraordinary means of TRANSPORT. Traveling by land at unthinkable speeds will make the world even "smaller" and more united.