Japan warms up its engines and begins to get serious on the road to a plastic free world.
After the recent tightening of a chain of restaurants on single-use disposable plastic packaging, Watami, the McDonald's of Japanese pubs, announces a small revolution.
Starting today, plastic straws will be eliminated from all drinks in the chain's 68 restaurants, replaced by homologous straws made of bamboo fiber.
Take Straws, this is their name, are totally biodegradable in a few months and can even be ingested (but I would not recommend it).
Bamboo straws will also contribute to the environment by containing the proliferation of this plant. When well cared for, bamboo provides a beautiful backdrop, but its uncontrolled growth can threaten any other plants present. Bamboo also tends to make the soil crumbly in case of rain and earthquakes.
Good news and a step towards a plastic free world (with Costa Rica to be the driving force) for a company until a few years ago hit by controversy on waste and environmental impact.