More and more i #digital payments, electronicin #Italy. If once Italians did not trust "virtual" payment, today things have drastically changed. Thanks to a change of generation and greater trust in new technologies.
The new forms of digital payment are therefore on the increase, as highlighted by the report "Digital Payments in Italy" created in collaboration with CartaSi, Consorzio CBI, Intesa Sanpaolo, PayPal and TIM. During the last year, 2015, digital card payments nationwide reached almost 175 billion euros with a growth of 12,2% compared to 2014. However, Italians prefer cash to pay for 56% of consumption.
In 2015 the number of cards in circulation is also growing, but compared to the rest of Europe we are still behind. “Taking into account that our country has a lot of ground to make up compared to other European states, and assuming growth that over the next three years remains in line with that of the past year, i.e. around 12,1%, we estimate that the card payments in 2018 could reach 246 billion euros“, said Valeria Portale, Director of the Mobile Payment & Commerce Observatory of the Polytechnic of Milan.