We provide news on the future of technology, science and society: if there is one thing that is about to arrive, it has already arrived here.

FuturoProssimo is part of the network ForwardTo, studies and skills for future scenarios.

Future notes

Germany, one year ago we said goodbye to nuclear power: why they won't go back

Unless there is an upheaval, Germany will not return to nuclear power. The opposition in the country is too deep-rooted, where the atom remains a political and social taboo.


Artificial intelligence

How AI will unleash the potential of students with dyslexia and ADHD

AI tools are transforming the lives of people with dyslexia and ADHD – here's an overview.


Orwell Supermarket: shopping with facial recognition needs to be rethought

Facial recognition, cameras, padlocked trolleys: supermarkets will be digital fortresses. But at what cost to consumer rights?

supermarket surveillance (1)

Medical Research

How AI will unleash the potential of students with dyslexia and ADHD

AI tools are transforming the lives of people with dyslexia and ADHD – here's an overview.


Synthetic but alive: cells that challenge the boundary between artificial and biological

DNA as a building material for multifunctional synthetic cells, stable up to 50°C. Potential applications in regenerative medicine, drug delivery and diagnostics.


Italy Next

Organizations and people who shape the future.