The next electric car revolution will be as fast as the time it takes to recharge the batteries of the vehicles that are preparing to invade the world. Filling up with petrol does not take more than two or three minutes, while at present it takes several hours to fully charge a new generation vehicle.
Nissan is only the latest among the companies that, in chronological order, have worked with the aim of progressively 'breaking down' this time period: the latest method developed requires just 10 minutes to fully charge an electric car.
HOW DID WE GET THERE? – The result seems to be being obtained by inserting the electrodes inside a capacitor containing vanadium oxide and tungsten to enhance its yield: this is the bad part of the news, given that this kind of technology seems a decade away compared to the current industrial capabilities of companies. To be objective it will take 5 years in the most optimistic of hypotheses to produce and distribute a solution of the kind on a large scale.
It is certain, in any case, that charging times will be reduced in the medium term, and that it will be possible to 'fill up' with electricity in the same time (who knows, maybe one day it will take even less) needed to fill up with petrol the tanks of our now prehistoric cars.