It's the turn of the Germany-Netherlands axis. In defiance of the "common European dream", purely bilateral agreements continue which concern crucial aspects of continental politics.
Coordination of military operations may not soon be limited to communications between units in the same country.
Germany and the Netherlands have created a common military network, TEN. The acronym stands for Tactical Edge Networking, a network that helps soldiers from the two nations coordinate operations. The agreement would also include the sharing of devices and patents militar.
The first phase of this Germany-Holland axis will link German land operations with the Dutch tactical communication program.
The network includes two centers. The first, a headquarters in Germany, in Koblenz. The second, a tactical seat in the Amersfoort military center in the Netherlands.
In the intentions of the signatories, this Germany-Holland axis should accelerate the development of common standards and technologies. “In the future” it could benefit the entire European defense system, both on a traditional level and in cyber warfare.
The agreement, it says, will better integrate the joint operations of Germany and the Netherlands within the NATO framework. The statement hopes that the agreement can be extended to other states.
With many regards to the Union.
Source: Dutch Ministry of Defense