We provide news on the future of technology, science and society: if there is one thing that is about to arrive, it has already arrived here.

FuturoProssimo is part of the network ForwardTo, studies and skills for future scenarios.

Future notes

Ancient domestication: millennia ago the fox was a pet

1500-year-old remains in Argentina reveal a domesticated fox buried with its human, suggesting historic domestication.


Artificial intelligence

Orwell Supermarket: shopping with facial recognition needs to be rethought

Facial recognition, cameras, padlocked trolleys: supermarkets will be digital fortresses. But at what cost to consumer rights?

supermarket surveillance (1)

VASA-1, Microsoft's AI creates super realistic characters from just one photo

VASA-1, Microsoft's revolutionary AI model, takes computer-generated talking faces to a new level of realism.

microsoft vasa 1 1

Medical Research

Cancer, frontier test detects it in a few minutes with micro drops of blood

Breakthrough in the fight against cancer: a new AI test analyzes a drop of dried blood and diagnoses three types of cancer in minutes with up to 100% accuracy

dried blood

Ovarian transplant: “on-demand” menopause divides science

Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue promises to delay the effects of menopause, but experts have many doubts.

menopause (1)

Italy Next

Organizations and people who shape the future.