From the refrigerator with pull-out counter, signals of future integrated kitchens
More awareness in the relationship with food, less food waste and additional functions: the Venine refrigerator shows us the future of this appliance
More awareness in the relationship with food, less food waste and additional functions: the Venine refrigerator shows us the future of this appliance
A discontinued dishwasher leaves a great pedagogical legacy: the one that teaches the use of technology in small spaces. Will come back?
A designer realizes a "back to the future": a hand-held vacuum cleaner that works without electricity. Energy saving and efficiency.
No washes, no detergents, less energy, no waste of water. And above all, no bathrobe with Arebo, the quick body dryer.
Wash clothes by closing them in a special closet? It can make sense, and Samsung Airdresser shows it in many different ways.