In the future windows will produce energy: an Italian invention

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Italy, although it is often not talked about, is at the forefront when it comes to clean energy research. The creators of the window that produces energy made a simple reasoning. Windows are the part of the house most exposed to the sun, so why not use solar panels for a dual function? Let in light and produce energy from the sun. The idea came from the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa and Professor Aldo di Carlo of the Roman University of Tor … Read more

The world's smallest bulb has been created

graphene bulb

Research increasingly looks at the creation of powerful but environmentally friendly light sources, which are able to ensure high performance with a long life. Here researchers at Columbia University in New York have created the smallest light bulb in the world, strong and powerful but as large as an atom. The secret of creation is to be found in the presence of graphene, a flexible and transparent material which was used as the basis for the light source. Graphene… Read more