The battery of the future? Iron powder


Think of iron powder as a charged battery. When it is burned, you get energy from it and what is left is a dead battery in the form of rust. By making iron dust out of the rust again, you recharge the battery. And you can do it again and again. The capacity of iron powder for energy storage is impressive.

6 protagonists of precision agriculture, the future of food

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The use of batteries for vehicles and agricultural machinery promises to revolutionize the cultivation industry by lowering costs and improving production. From large tractors to small harvesting machines, all vehicles will be completely transformed by electric. On the other hand, current agriculture is under pressure: on the one hand the need to produce more food to avoid the food crisis. On the other hand, the need to reduce waste and abuse of land and water. Precision agriculture can increase the production of… Read more

5×1000 to the WWF: give a gift to the future.

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Our planet needs a small overhaul: with an economy increasingly in crisis and an epochal transition from an energy system based on fossil fuels to another (hopefully ever closer) that focuses entirely on renewables, our presence activity is increasingly important to guarantee new generations greater freedom, greater variety of species and less pollution. We can do a lot: an important principle that will be able to keep our ecosystem standing is to... Read more

Hansen predicts: the seas will be higher than 7 meters


A chilling prophecy comes to us from James Hansen, 68 years of which almost 30 spent at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies: he almost never makes an observation wrong. In 1981 he wrote that the following decade would mark peak heat and the prediction came true. At the beginning of the nineties he said that the first decade of the new century would beat the previous record and this time too the facts proved him right. Let's hope that now he is wrong because the scenario he draws is... Read more