Here's how AI has already revolutionized the online gaming industry


Artificial intelligence already influences many parts of modern life. Simple formulas and complex AI systems work without us even knowing it. This is already the case with video games and has been for decades. Game developers have used forms of “artificial intelligence” in many ways since the advent of this technology. Pathfinding is used to find a way from point A and point B like ghosts in Pac-Man. Finite state machines transform the ghosts themselves from chasers to… Read more

AI is emerging in Australia to manage divorce: here's how

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An app called “Amica” uses artificial intelligence to help separating couples navigate divorce, make parenting arrangements and divide assets. For many people around the world, the pandemic has tested even the strongest relationships. In Australia particularly: in a survey 5 months ago, 42% of the 739 respondents had experienced a negative change in their relationship with their partner. There was, inevitably, also an increase in the number of… Read more