Nail printers: does nail art retire?

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Okay, so many people love a relaxing visit to (or from) the nail salon, but it's definitely an interval that not everyone can afford. And don't tell me there are nail art virtuosos out there who can paint the faces of your children or your dog on your nails. Tensator Technology has developed Fingernails2Go, a nail printer integrated into an automatic digital kiosk. He is able to create all sorts of designs and apply them to nails in… Read more

Wasp: houses are printed in Massa Lombarda


Having been active in the field for years, and since 2012 with the WASP (World's Advanced Saving Project) project focused on the development of 3D printing with Open Source logic, Massimo Moretti and his team of terrible guys have developed a 3 meter high 12D printer capable of print an entire house in clay, and later with excellent potential an entire village. The presentation of the BigDelta (and the name "Big" really fits here), which took place on September 19th in Massa Lombarda during ... Read more

The era of "printed" food is approaching


Natural Machines is a Spanish startup that is currently working on a 3D printer capable of producing pasta, bread and other types of food starting from liquids and pre-packaged mixtures: it is a formula that could revolutionize the 3D printing market and also a a bit like gastronomy. Unlike other 3D printers, the device developed by Natural Machines could 'print' food from 6 different materials (treated a bit as if they were food inks). … Read more