Electronic cigarettes, the future is already here 

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When it comes to relaxation, there is no point in denying how some actions can help certain people obtain a "moment of peace". Obviously, this is all very subjective and varies from individual to individual. Looking at what has happened over the last decades, it is useless to deny that a constantly growing number of individuals are resorting to using electronic cigarettes to "unplug" and experience a few moments of relaxation, alone or in the company of other people. Electronic cigarettes are now considered… Read more

Product life cycle: what it is and how to reduce environmental impact from an eco-sustainable perspective

Every product placed on the market goes through a series of phases that lead it to impact the environment in various ways. The set of these steps, starting from production - or, even before that, from the extraction of raw materials - up to final disposal, are called the life cycle. To make the life cycle of a product more eco-sustainable, it is necessary to act on the various phases, ensuring that each one reduces its environmental impact. The latter can be evaluated using… Read more