Muse, take a look at your brain

There are several wearable devices already designed to monitor our vital parameters, from heartbeat to sleep patterns: a group of inventors is bringing to the market a user-friendly and wearable approach to brain wave monitoring. InteraXon is a Canadian company that is working hard to introduce a band called Muse, to be worn on the forehead, which uses 4 EEG (Electro Encephalogram) sensors capable of showing the traces of the brain. In the initial release… Read more

To study methods to communicate with patients in a vegetative state

A group of English neuroscientists has discovered that it is possible to establish a two-way 'conversation' with people in a permanent vegetative state, thanks to a device already present everywhere capable of reading their brain activity. Researchers have noticed how some individuals in this state are able to understand what they are told and follow commands to perform certain actions: the project can radically change the way these patients are treated. In the experiment, 16 were asked… Read more