Stephen Hawking to discover space
Stephen Hawking does not stop, and joins investors and wealthy patrons to go ...
The largest giant black hole in the sun
In science fiction films there is never a lack of a black hole, a singularity, something that ...
Amazon will make us travel into space in 2018
Amazon intends to change our lives, and not just when it comes to purchasing...
From Earth to Mars in 10 weeks with NASA's electromagnetic engine
There is no longer any controversy surrounding NASA's development of the prototypes...
All ready for India on Mars
A few hours before the departure of India's first historic interplanetary mission. After a short delay due ...
ATLAST, Hubble 3.0 will put its nose everywhere
ATLAST (The Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope) is the acronym that distinguishes the project of the next ...
Extraterrestrial life: the radio bubble hypothesis
The question was referring to the fact that it seemed strange to him that we were not receiving any transmissions...
Mars500, astronauts return from 'Mars' today after 520 days.
Technically they never moved, in fact they just opened the doors of this...