Military algorithm predicts disease 48 hours before symptoms appear


They are subjected to intensive training and robust cycles of vaccinations: they have strong fibers, but they are still human beings, and every now and then they get sick. They are the soldiers, and when they are unwell they can put critical operations at risk. The DTRA (an acronym for Defense Threat Reduction Agency) tries to overcome this problem with a predictive algorithm that can predict a person's illnesses due to different causes, from colds to exposure to biological agents. up to 48 hours… Read more

40-year-old tomorrow with zero libido: the fault of internet porn


New 20-year-olds have more and more problems in the bedroom (when they have sex): they are literally addicted to sex on the web, at least according to a study published in Psychology Today. The problem, especially in the future, is much more serious than it seems: it is a mass psychological problem capable of causing the next generation to lose their libido up to 30 years earlier than expected. How is it possible? According to the report, overexposure to explicit sexual images and videos… Read more