Sustainable packaging: how it is made and why it is convenient 

In recent times we often talk about the sustainability objectives to be achieved by 2030, those set by the European Union to reduce harmful emissions and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. There are many areas of interest, as are the actions to be implemented. Among these there is certainly that of reducing the use and consumption of virgin plastic, derived from petroleum. This is why reuse and recycling actions by citizens and sustainable strategies are necessary... Read more

5 trends in the future of packaging

The concept of 'packaging' has been the cross and delight of all industrial development: on the one hand it has guaranteed better, faster and more widespread distribution and preservation of food, on the other it has contributed to forming a generation (more than one for truth) “disposable” accustomed to not reusing anything and using things quickly and hastily. In any case, the virtue lies in the middle: we need packages and containers, we will need them more and more. Here you are … Read more

Product life cycle: what it is and how to reduce environmental impact from an eco-sustainable perspective

Every product placed on the market goes through a series of phases that lead it to impact the environment in various ways. The set of these steps, starting from production - or, even before that, from the extraction of raw materials - up to final disposal, are called the life cycle. To make the life cycle of a product more eco-sustainable, it is necessary to act on the various phases, ensuring that each one reduces its environmental impact. The latter can be evaluated using… Read more