If you suffer from snoring and your husbands (this is an autobiographical beginning) have always wondered how to solve this annoying problem, you might be interested to know that there is a pillow around called Motion Pillow. According to the startup who developed it, this pillow is capable of hearing you snore while you sleep and physically moving your head to try to stop this torment. The goal is to allow me... I mean, the partners of snorers (of course, even snorers) to sleep peacefully without giving lots of very small and very sweet (tip) kicks in your legs.
How does the pillow that can save my sleep and ears work?
Motion Pillow uses machine learning to analyze snoring during sleep and adjust your head position to reduce it. How does? Simple: when it registers an "anomalous activity" it begins to swell, until the head of the tractor...err, of the sleeper changes position. When everything seems to calm down, return to the starting position. And then straight on, until the morning. Works? Indeed: clinical studies say that 93,7% of users experienced a reduction in snoring. And even when he snored, he did for 44% less time. I mean, they must have told him, I guess.
The savior cushion arrives for the third year to receive applause and mentions at CES2023 (and it is precisely there that it reappeared): good quality, precise in recordings, it inflates and deflates silently, it does not emit electromagnetic waves. Fantastic! But it doesn't take off.
There is a difference between snoring and buying. Why?
There is a reason. It costs the same as an engagement ring for a rhino: too much for an animal that might not appreciate it. And by this, for the umpteenth time, I'm not referring to my wife. Stop spreading rumors about her. The guy who won't stop snoring.
780.000 South Korean Won! But do you realize? Ah, right: you don't have this currency on hand. Well: what if I told you that at the exchange rate they cost almost 600 euros for a pillow? At that price I have seen people buy the bed. For the whole family. It will mean that I will open the piggy bank, or I will write to 10mins (the Korean company that produces this contraption) pretending to be a great influencer, and wanting to make a couple of posts in their sleep to give them visibility.
Good night.