- large mirrors they constitute an extremely versatile, as well as functional piece of furniture. These go very well with practically all styles of home furnishings, from the most minimal to the most eccentric.
The alternatives are really many, not only as regards the type and shape of the mirrors, but also in relation to how to position them inside a room. A certainly original idea is to choose floor mirrors as a decorative element to decorate a wall.
The advantages of furnishing with mirrors
To take advantage of multiple benefits it is good to opt for large mirrors. In addition to the purely decorative purpose and of daily use, in fact, adding a mirror in a room can help make it different, up to making it appear completely transformed. The advantages of furnishing with mirrors are different.
- large mirrors they are a great trick, for example, to enlarge a room. This piece of furniture creates, in fact, an optical illusion whereby the reflection itself will make the room appear larger and deeper. This is one of the reasons why it is generally recommended to place a mirror in a long, narrow hallway.
They also contribute to make the space brighter when positioned in front of the light coming from a window. In practice, when a light source hits the mirror surface, it is reflected and its intensity is multiplied. Furthermore, mirrors can be a valid trick to correct oblique or otherwise irregular floor plans.
Where to place a large floor mirror
If the common wall mirrors can also be small, in the case of the floor mirrors it is good that they are large enough otherwise all the decorative potential is lost. One large mirror from the ground, however, it must always take into account the size of the room in which it will be placed and, consequently, have an optimal size for its purpose.
Once you have chosen the greatness, the crafts , finish ideal, you need to find the best location based on the room you are going to use. Place a large mirror at the entrance at home, better if associated with a lamp with an original design, it can help furnish a space where difficulties are often encountered, due to the size of this part of the house. In this case, therefore, not only will the mirror constitute the furnishing of a wall, but it will increase the volumes of the area and make it brighter. Furthermore, if the entrance is very narrow, it is possible to replace the lamp with LED lights to be placed behind the mirror itself.
In the bedroom the ideal place to place one large mirror from the ground it's in a corner of the room. In this case it can best perform its main function, namely that of mirror yourself. For this reason it is advisable to opt for a complement of the appropriate size, which allows you to observe yourself entirely, from head to toe. By choosing a floor mirror you can avoid the classic one generally positioned on the chest of drawers.
Even in a living room a floor mirror can become a truly original decorative element. By choosing one that obviously goes well with the rest of the furniture, the mirror can enrich and make this space unique. In this context, rather than exploiting its functionality, its design will be used. For this reason, you can also opt for something whimsical, which becomes the strong point of the room.
Finally, a large floor mirror can also be placed in a study together with two armchairs, to create a real design corner, able to give character to a space that is often bare and minimal.
Feng Shui and mirrors
With regard to the ideal position of the mirrors, a cue is often also taken from Feng Shui, or that ancient Chinese discipline that deals with the arrangement of living spaces in order to make them optimal, solving any energy imbalances. In other words, this current of thought, based on the concepts of Yin and Yang, wants to make the home harmonious and beneficial for the health of body and mind. This art dedicates a lot of space to the correct placement of mirrors and how they are able to reflect the energies present in the house.
An inviolable rule of Feng Shui, when it comes to mirrors, is to never place this element in front of the front door. This is because the incoming positive energy could be reflected outward. The optimal position in an entrance is therefore perpendicular to the door, i.e. in line with the side wall, this will cause positive energy to bounce inside the house itself.
As for the living room, it is not recommended to place a mirror behind the sofa as it can cause a sense of insecurity when sitting and relaxing, as you can see the reflection from the corner of your eye. Finally, the kitchen is considered a decidedly unsuitable place for this piece of furniture due to the presence of the stove fire and the fumes generated by cooking, which, according to Feng Shui, involve negative energies.