The BioCollar collar helps plant owners understand the needs of vegetation.
Is there a way to better connect with your plants, and establish a bond with them similar to the one you can have, for example, with a pet?
Of course, if you have a dog or cat they let them know when they are hungry. It's easy to know when they're bored or cheerful, and you can take them to the vet when they're unwell or unhealthy.
With plants, it's not so straightforward. There are many factors that contribute to a plant's health, but there are no easy ways to know what your plant needs.
BioCollar is changing that.
In summary: plants as pets? Yes, but we have to wear the collar.
In short, there is a way to have plants as pets. But the ones wearing the collar, this time, are us.
Biocollar is just that. A collar, designed as part of the system called “BioPermit” that will provide plant owners a way to connect deeply with their vegetation, and better understand their needs.
Take a look at the introductory video of this project Sammy Creeger, Elliott Wortham e Maria Jose Tamayo, all of the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design.
Green thumb to wear
The wearable device works by providing real-time tactile feedback to the wearer to let them know when a plant is experiencing different sensations.
The Biocollar collar alerts its user when their plant needs to be watered. It does not fail to warn even when the plant feels too much heat, when it is too exposed to light, or vibrations, or when a parasite infestation is detected.
What do you think? Could this “solution” work to increase a person's sense of empathy towards their plants?
Could Biocollar make pedagogical sense? Could this collar really help us take care of our greenery, and help us better understand its needs?