A working group coordinated by the Turin Academy of Medicine has found new evidence of the relationship between solar ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D and Covid.
The pool is led by Prof Giancarlo Isaiah, Professor of Geriatrics and President of the Academy of Medicine, and by Antonio D'Avolio, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Turin.
80 Doctors of many Italian cities have drawn up, with an important collection work, a document with strong evidence on the positive effects of vitamin D, both in the prevention and in the complications of coronavirus, and have sent it to regional and national health authorities. Uselessly.
“We sent the document to 68 regional institutions (Health Departments of all the Regions) and national institutions (Ministry, AIFA, ISS, CSN etc.), as well as professional associations,” the Prof. Isaia, which I contacted via email, “and we have not had any response so far”.
Vitamin D, exposure to ultraviolet rays and Covid: so much work (still) for nothing?
Yet the work group's commitment is extensive and documented. The team also produced a study, in publication in the journal Science of the Total Environment. The study showed a statistically very significant correlation between the number of deceased and affected by COVID-19 in each Italian region and the intensity of solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, evaluated at the earth's surface, in all regions, with both satellite measurements than on the ground.
In summary: Vitamin D and exposure to sunlight appear to play a role in the course of the disease. The elements all lead in one direction. And they are not few.
Hundreds of studies
In 2020 alone, the pool said, there are about 300 studies investigating the link between COVID-19 and vitamin D, conducted both retrospectively that with meta-analysis, which confirmed the vitamin D deficiency in the majority of COVID-19 patients, especially those in severe form, and a higher mortality associated with this deficiency.
In our country such a shortage it is quite widespread, and it could be a good approach to do so first by measuring exposure even more precisely in various areas of the country, and by integrating vitamin D with sun, supplements and nutrition.
An appeal to the government
The list of studies on the topic, very detailed and available on request (just send an e-mail to the Academy) shows a sufficient number of clues to authorize further investigation.
The medical team specifically cites some studies with rather encouraging results. Among others, one retrospective study on 190.000 patients showing an inverse proportionality between doses of Vitamin D and positivity to Covid-19.
For this reason, the doctors of the Academy make an appeal to the Government to take into consideration more studies on this correlation and above all preventive campaigns for the administration of vitamin D. An appeal sent to the authorities on 12 November which, as the prof reiterates. Isaiah has received “no response” since then.
Vitamin D: Doesn't hurt, and can potentially do you a lot of good
In Italy, the working group complains, this possibility has not been taken into consideration. Not so elsewhere, like in the UK and Scotland, where the government is ordered the administration of vitamin D to 2,7 million subjects at risk (patients of the RSA and health personnel above all).
The English choice has raised a medical debate between supporters of the provision and skeptics, who do not consider the evidence gathered so far sufficient. The conclusion, of common sense, was that regardless of Covid-19, the administration of vitamin D, substantially free of side effects, is a good way to make up for the deficiency due to the winter months and poor sun exposure.
It could be a valid approach, we read in the press release from the Turin Academy of Medicine, if Italy also adopted similar measures in an attempt to speed up the end of this emergency.
“I think that like all pandemics, this one will fade away little by little,” says the professor. Isaiah, “both for the introduction of a vaccine and for its spontaneous defervescence”.
“The problem is that, unlike other pandemics in history, it will have devastating effects on the economy and on the lifestyle habits of citizens; This is also why I find it unlikely that prevention is not considered and the characteristics of the pandemic are not explored in depth with targeted studies."