Birchpunk studio, a talented team of Russian artists, shared their new project which tells the story of a farm of the future.
A farm of the future teeming with robots and new technologies of all kinds. A cyber place, almost steam punk, with a spirit unchanged from the present.
The farm of the future as seen from Birchpunk
The short seems to adopt a more dystopian vision than a frontier one, and the docu-fictional cut that seems to come out of a Neill Blomkamp film enhances its ironic aspects. But it's about the future, right? And we are curious about the future.
With its perfectly balanced mix of contemporary Russian rural life and cyberpunk technology, the short about this fanciful farm of the future garnered nearly three million views on YouTube in less than two days.
Written and directed by Sergey Vasilyev, the video, as the description suggests, was shot to refute the clichés that everyone attributes to “Soviet Russia”. Clichés that always represent the country as "technically backward".
In this completely unconventional Russian farm of the future everything revolves around the latest technologies (mixed in a surreal way, but always with a basis in real life) and fuses cyberpunk aesthetics with classic Russian spirit.
Add a splash of humor and creatively designed androids, and you have a surreal farm of the future and a few minutes of guaranteed fun. And, if that wasn't enough to convince you, know that there's also a pretty good twist.
What to say? Check it out.
You can find , here the team's Youtube channel, e , here the team group on the Russian social network Vkontakte.