The Swedish study Form us with Love has launched a new subscription cosmetics service that avoids plastic and minimizes carbon emissions.
It's called FORGO and the first product in its range is a powdered hand soap. It's a "do it yourself" product: add water and go.
the powder contains the essential ingredients necessary to transform normal tap water into a delicate but effective hand soap. Each single sachet contains 12 grams of soap powder and produces 25cl of final product.
The welcome kit includes a simple glass bottle and several refill sachets (in paper).
Three fragrances, one mission
Form us with Love collaborated with a laboratory specializing in natural cosmetics to develop the powder, which includes six natural ingredients. FORGO soap powder is available in three variants: neutral, citrus and woody, all packaged in a discreet and minimal way (a little ethical, a little aesthetic).
We must dig deep to influence entire sectors and make better products for innovation, sustainability, quality. Thus good habits become lasting.
Allon Libermann, FORGO co-founder
“We see so many products designed to be useless and inefficient”, he adds John Lofgren, creative director of Form us with Love. “Liquid personal care products are made almost entirely of water, an ingredient you already have at home. Why ship it in plastic bags and bottles if you can avoid it?”.
It will not be original like soappack (there the soap does not even have packaging, because the bottles they are made of soap themselves) but that's okay.
FORGO, a canon for cosmetics
Following a now widespread business model (from Netflix to food, passing through cars and even clothes), FORGO wants to create a sustainable subscription for all personal care products starting from hand washing. After the initial delivery, customers receive refills in groups of three with light ecological cardboard envelopes.
For us, hand washing is just the beginning. we are here to make all personal care more sustainable with less expense