The next generation Russian combat suit has a nuclear explosion resistant device, a life support system and an enhanced exoskeleton. And it looks like it came out of Star Wars.
Russia has a new military uniform that makes soldiers look like Star Wars imperial Stormtroopers. It's called Ratnik-3. Of course, the cloaking device is missing but there are other axes up the sleeve.
The Russian military uniform Ratnik-3 was developed by the Rostec. The latest upgrade of the new armor includes a nuclear explosion-proof watch.
According to a statement released by the press office, the chief designer of the Combat Outfit's life support system at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Precision Machine Engineering, Oleg Faustov, he claims: “The watch, which we included in the Ratnik-3 equipment and new Russian uniforms, retains its properties even after the impact of radiation and electromagnetic pulses, for example a nuclear explosion.”
Other advantages of 59 objects that Rostec included in the Russian military uniforms Ratnik-3 include a enhanced exoskeleton, which gives soldiers more strength and endurance; the latest news about bulletproof technology; visor and full face helmet equipped with a heads-up display (HUD) similar to a video game. According to state-owned Russian media outlet Tass, the weight of the combat equipment will be reduced by 30 percent when it is released for field use.
The Russian uniform has always been an iconic element in the stories of the "Motherland": the uniform of Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, also stands out in Italy among the valuable pieces in the collection of the Villa Borghese Museum in Rome. O tempora, o mores, but between the historical uniform and this super man drop uniform there is an abyss that seems to span millennia, rather than centuries.
Ratnik-3 is expected to be ready for use by 2022.
The future of the next wars is drawing on now. The United States is also working on its own high-tech military uniform. The combat suit, in homage to pop culture, has obviously been nicknamed Iron Man.
Weapons also update, with laser or pulse devices currently distributed in various forms around the world. In addition to Russia, the US Navy also has a laser weapon (LaWS) mounted on the USS Ponce, an amphibious naval transport, to defend against drone attacks and incoming missiles. Previously, China has given its soldiers laser weapons designed to blind adversaries.
In the sky, quadcopter-sized killer drones have been developed to carry weapons. The Air Force is even training soldiers to fight in space against hostile forces.