When I first heard about an intelligent toothbrush (three years ago) I really wondered if we needed it. A gadget that costs a bang and complicates simple things. What does it mean?
Several startups from back then persevered, however, and today are accompanied by major players in the field of dental hygiene. Everyone is focused on providing a new device that will become a permanent part of our daily lives: the era of the smartbrush has begun.
Colgate and Oral-B are both about to launch two new devices: Colgate Plaqless Pro and Oral-B iO. And they obviously chose the CES2020 to do it.
Plaqless Pro from Colgate
The Colgate toothbrush features unique optical sensor technology. It detects the accumulation of biofilm in the mouth (a prelude to the formation of plaque) and provides information on how to remove it correctly by reporting the areas where it can be found via the Colgate Connect app.
iO by Oral-B
Oral-B's smartbrush offers a smart pressure sensor to guide users to brush with optimal pace and pressure, and a smart display that offers coaching and motivation (motivation?) during the brushing session. The Oral-B iO App uses artificial intelligence analysis of thousands of recorded brushing sessions to make its brushing recommendations.
The price of both smartbrushes has yet to be determined, but from Colgate sources the Plaqless Pro should cost around 250 euros. There are no longer the bristles of the past.
Smartbrush, I'm not skeptical, but...
Electric toothbrushes are popular, I don't say no, and there are many who say they are very well. But I'm not sure that the next step will catch on.