Porsche has announced that it has formed a new partnership with Boeing: the two companies are working on the creation of a flying car. The signing of a memorandum of understanding to explore the urban air mobility market is a major event in the industry.
Seeing two such important companies as Porsche and Boeing move in the direction of bringing some of the city traffic into the sky makes us think a lot about the direction that this sector of development can take.
Flying Mobility
The first solution to Porsche and Boeing is a vehicle optimized for luxury urban air mobility, and it seems to me like it just came out of a sequence of "Minority Report", Spielberg's successful 2002 film that inspired us futurologists so much. Here is the complete image taken from the initial concept render.
A study last year carried out by the Porsche Consulting center predicted aexplosion of the urban air mobility market starting from 2025. The study indicates in a very detailed and motivated way that there will be more and more flying vehicles, will be safer and will carry more and more passengers.
Urban air mobility, the study says, will end up being a faster and more efficient means than current means of transport. At a lower price, too!
“Porsche is trying to extend the boundaries of its core business, moving from a sports car manufacturer to a global mobility brand. In the long term there is no other way than to also explore the 'third dimension' of transport, the vertical one,” says Detlev von Platen, member of the executive board for sales and marketing at Porsche AG. “We are bringing together the experiences and capabilities of two leading brands to impact a potential key segment of tomorrow's market”