The heart of a company, let's not beat around the bush, is a good idea. Neither more nor less.
Yet, how many times does an idea risk not taking off due to a lack of sturdy "legs" that allow it to pick up the right speed and take flight?
The main problem for those who want to get this idea off the ground is that the tools for innovative startups are often not created with criteria of excellence or aimed at efficiency: this structural "lack" is a serious obstacle, it is probably the most important obstacle to the development of new businesses. What is missing is a real platform that helps developers perfect (and distribute! Sore point) their services and/or products in the fairest and most effective way possible, taking care of all aspects of the process.
Actually I should have said “it was missing” given the launch of TIM OPEN, a b2b platform that focuses its sights on developers, software houses, IT operators and startups. It is a set of tools, the one proposed, which constitutes a particularly complete quality infrastructure for carrying out the entire "final" process of a project: everything that is found, in other words, from the structuring of an app to the distribution through a dedicated marketplace: the TIM Digital Store . The ICT solutions that arise from the basic idea will be able to grow more easily and, thanks to the Cloud, can be scalable over time: the availability of the TIM service APIs provided in the platform (SMS, geolocation) will then be able to enrich them with additional functions that would otherwise further research and development costs (more precious time wasted: more money that erodes the budget!)
There are also few worries about managing the sales of your app (including all aspects related to billing) and advertising: it's all integrated into #TIMOPEN. Developers will only have to focus on what they do best. Very simply: design & develop. When they say "safeguard your Working Capital" :)
Just register on in order to have access to the platform and from there start to use all the tools that TIM OPEN makes available to structure, develop and subsequently sell its product through the privileged channel of the TIM Digital Store, a meeting point between developers and companies who need to grow their business: thanks to the presence of such an important operator, it is clearly a widespread channel that ensures great visibility.
Question of the Hundred Guns: “What does TIM gain from it?” It is right, legitimate to ask such a question. I don't find anything wrong with it.
Simply put: it is a revenue share model. TIM, as is obvious, earns a small percentage of the sales of the app created. I find it obvious and right: a small slice of cake to whoever gave you the ingredients and the oven to cook them is the least you can do to show your gratitude!