New York inventor Jamie O'Shea will not be remembered for giving the world civil flight, nor electricity: he probably won't be remembered at all. His creation, the Vertical Bed, is exactly what can be deduced from his bare name: a bed that allows you to sleep... while standing.
The brilliant invention can support the weight of an individual's body simply by fixing its bases to a drain. Let's be honest, I have no idea who can find comforting taking a nap in the middle of a busy road, but if you are a traffic policeman and you have to stand long hours on your feet, probably such a contraption could come in handy, given the fact that can fold and close in a small portable suitcase. The kit also includes soundproof headphones, dark glasses (laugh) and a sedentary umbrella, in case the weather changes during the nap.
To demonstrate the quality of his creation, O'Shea tested his Vertical Bed in New York, his adopted city, between 33rd and Broadway. He went right there, from 6 in the morning, to sleep for about 40 minutes at a time every 4 hours. No, nobody beat him.
However, when he is not busy sleeping on the streets, O'Shea works on other clever inventions: he is currently working on the Caloris Basin, a device capable of producing high temperatures from the sun's rays, a sort of zero-cost stove. Now that I think about it, they all seem like homeless-oriented solutions. Ok, shall we talk about it again in a while?
Meanwhile the Vertical Bed is not yet available for sale: probably the narcoleptic niche has not yet received any notice.