Ok, we are in 2011 and yet there are still many gadgets that require the use of an instrument so old that it has even been found among the remains of the most ancient peoples: these are AA batteries, which torment the sleep of all remote control users or console controllers.
Would not be Is it nice to abandon forever these annoying little cylinders that have to be removed, loaded, reinserted, thrown away? A new concept could eliminate waiting times, with batteries that recharge simply by… blowing on them.
Developed by Korean designers Yeon Kyeong Hwang and Mieong Ho Kang, the concept “wind power” includes small wind generators spiral, that recharge the battery if exposed to the wind or if they are 'blown' a bit like candles.
However, the delightful feature would not be incompatible with the more ancient traditional charging methods: in any case, we would like to find them at hand, perhaps in complicated use scenarios such as those outdoors.
In that case, more wind if there is, the better :)